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Horaire Slake 

Monday - Friday

8:30 am - 6 pm
08:30 am - 6:30 pm
08:30 am - 5:30 pm

Horaire Cuisine 

Monday - Friday
Saturday - Sunday

8:30 am - 2:30 pm
8:30am - 3 pm


Nous ne prenons pas de réservation

Nous vous plaçons par ordre d'arrivée, puis lorsque nous sommes complet, nous prenons vos numéros et nous vous recontactons dès lors que votre table est prête.

Nous utilisons pour cela une liste d'attente virtuelle.

L'avantage: vous avez la possibilité de vous inscrire à distance et en avance sur celle ci.


Les WEEK-END et JOUR FERIE nous avons une forte affluence. 
Il faut compter environ 1 heure d'attente minimum pour obtenir une table de deux.
Donc pensez bien à vous inscrire en avance 😉

Nous l'utilisons qu'à partir du moment où nous sommes complet.
- soit elle est
fermé, cela signifie que nous avons des tables disponible de suite
- soit elle est
ouverte, nous sommes complet et vous pouvez vous ajouter à celle ci afin d'être installé plus tard.
- soit elle est
complète, nous ne pouvons plus ajouter de clients car nous sommes complet jusqu'à la fin du service.


Slake is a coffee shop based in Annecy and Lyon which offers quality products from selected specialty coffee beans, home made pastries to healthy and varied food cooked by our own chefs.

Inspired by the New Zealand way of life, you will feel a mix between the English spirit and the French culture inside our wall and in our food.









At Slake, you will only taste specialty coffee. But what is it exactly ?

It is a coffee with higher quality, whose main feature is its traceability. Indeed, each bean comes from a specific area with its specific producer who respects a very unique and rigorous follow-up process. It is also a coffee with pronounced flavors (bitterness, acidity, sweetness...) and developed aromas (fruity, chocolaty, woody, herby...)

Within our coffee house, we mainly work with the local roasters Mokxa and Kaffa Roastery, but we also welcome roasters from all over the world.

Our experienced baristas will offer you different process of coffee extractions from the espresso to the slow coffee methods such as the V60, the Aeropress or the Chemex.

Feel free to ask them anything ! They will be more than happy to share their knowledge with you !

Of course, we serve the essentials and best sellers such as the Cappuccino, the Flat White, the Latte and other coffee and milk drinks (with beautiful Latte Art).

Not only you can taste and drink coffee at our shop, you can also buy the beans. We sell fresh and ground coffee beans for espresso or filter coffee machines !


Yes we are coffee makers, but that is not what we only do !

You will be able to taste signature drinks such as our very own home made Chaï Latte, the Charcoal and Golden Latte, the Hot Chocolate with its chocolate lollipop and our Winter Potion !

We also offer a various selection of tea leaves, infusions and fresh drinks.


Monday to saturday

At Slake, we also serve savory and sweet breakfasts. They are cooked with healthy, efficient and savery local products.

Feel like you need more sweets for breakfast ? Our pastry chefs have cooked home made Anglo-Saxon pastries or a delicious panna cotta  with honey and home made granola just for you !